Product Reviewers & Testers

We want you!

We're on the hunt for product reviewers and guest sex bloggers. Apply to join the Bunny Board and get free products & commission bonuses!

If you love having orgasms and have wondered how you can become a sex toy reviewer, you have landed in the right place!

You don’t need any special skills to get started. We’re looking for adventurous hes, shes, theys, couples and anyone else who is 18 years of age or older and wants to get free samples of sex toys, clothing and accessories to review. It doesn’t matter if you’re single, coupled, straight, gay, bi, young or young at heart – we need your unique perspective.

When you become join the Bunny Board we will send you new and exciting products to try out and give your absolute honest opinion on them, good or bad.

Fill in The Form to Apply

* We will not publish your sexuality on our reviews, we just want. to get a better understanding of our Bunny Board (Product Reviewers)
This includes using your real name, rather than a pseudonym. Again, this is for reasons of honesty and transparency with our readers.

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