Fantasy Extensions Magic Pleasure Sleeve


Fantasy Extensions Magic Pleasure Sleeve

SKU: PD4135-23 Category:


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Turn your penis into an instant pleasure device with the incredible Fantasy X tensions. Now you can be all the man you can be and satisfy your partner with this easy to use, erection enhancer. Developed as a safe, affordable, non surgical alternative to expensive medical procedures and pills, your Fantasy X tension will give you the biggest, thickest, most satisfying pleasure rod you ever imagined. Perfect for men with ED and midway performance problems, your new enhancer will deliver the results both partners will love.

From the second you slip inside this 5.5 inch enhancement sleeve, youll understand why we call it the Magic Pleasure Sleeve. This super stretchy girth gainer is lined with hundreds of tiny ticklers on the outside, delivering thrilling sensations and satisfying thickness to your partner. The open ended head allows you to feel every sensation and still enjoy the natural touch of your lover. Turn the sleeve inside out and use it as an incredible solo stroker. Trim the sleeve for a perfect fit and the pleasure possibilities are endless.

Additional information

Weight 0.14 kg

5.75 Inches

Washing Instructions

Hot soapy water and toy cleaner


2.1 Inches





For Who



Skin Safe Rubber


5.75 Inches




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Fantasy Extensions Magic Pleasure Sleeve


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