Sexy 6 Dice Foreplay Edition

SKU: 002183 Category:


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Let the Sexy 6 Dice dictate your foreplay fate. With 720 possible outcomes, you can be sure to keep a variety and spontaneity alive in your relationship.

Feel the anticipation build as you roll each dice, in turn, to gradually reveal the formula for your fun.

Die 1 Will it be you or me in the hot seat.
Die 2 Will we be giving or receiving the treat.
Die 3 What foreplay fun is to be done?
Die 4 What body part is to receive the love?
Die 5 How will the pleasure be given?
Die 6 Where will the Magic happen?

All that’s left for you to decide is how many times do you want to play!

Additional information

Weight 0.07 kg
For Who



720 Seductive Scenarios


Creative Conceptions


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